Additional History Resources for Polk County
Below you will find information and links to other Historical Societies and Museums in Polk County, Wisconsin.
Amery Historical Society
Mission: The collection, preservation, and dissemination of materials and information relating to the history of Amery, WI and its surrounding area.
The Amery Historical Society has a new location at 109 Maple Street! The Amery Historical Society has worked to produced brochures for places of historical importance which can be found on the Amery History page.
Frederic's 1901 Soo Line Depot/Museum
This 1901 depot was one stop along the Dresser to Superior Soo line spur. The depot is now a museum and a rest stop along the Gandy Dancer bicycle trail.
Open weekends - Memorial Day weekend through September. Exhibits include railroad and Frederic historical displays, a SOO Line wide vision caboose #137, early Frederic library and a 1800's log cabin.
Frederic Area Historical Society Address: 210 Oak St E, Frederic, WI 54837 Phone: 715-327-4158
Luck Area Historical Society and Museum
Mission: To provide a historical, educational, recreational and inspirational public service center to increase the knowledge of our local area history, and to preserve our heritage for future generations through displays, the Internet, publications, programs and exhibits.
The Luck Area Historical Society and Museum is located at 301 Main Street, Luck. Follow the link above to their website for the latest information on events, activities and hours of operation.
Luck Area Historical Society and Museum, PO Box 197, 301 Main St., Luck, WI 54853 Phone: 715-472-2030
Sterling, Eureka, Laketown historical Society
Sterling, Eureka, Laketown Historical Society, Box 755, 2505 240th St., Cushing, WI 54006 Email:
The Sterling, Eureka, Laketown Historical Society is located on the main floor of the Cushing Community Center at 2505 240th St., Cushing. Follow the link to their website for information on upcoming events, museum information, etc.